Gundam Aerial Model number: XVX-016Overall height: ???m
Base weight: ???t
[MSG: The Witch From Mercury]
Armaments:Beam Rifle/Beam Blade: A unique model of beam rifle designed for use by the Aerial. It is able to emit a large beam blade for close combat, or attach a pair of Bit Staves in order to enhance its output.
???: Pair of head-mounted vulcans.
Beam Saber: A pair of melee combat weapons stored on the backpack.
Bit Staves: A combat system comprised of eleven GUND-Bits that can be utilized for offensive or defensive purposes. Each Bit is equipped with at least one beam gun to function as remote weaponry, can combine into a large shield mounted on the left arm, or dock on the Aerial's body to enhance its performance in
Bit On Form.