Author Topic: Forum Technical Notices  (Read 4997 times)


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Forum Technical Notices
« on: November 25, 2020, 10:35:40 AM »
Basically just a section for me to add notes on current hosting/technical issues etc. as I'm handling all the back-end stuff.
If anyone sees any bugs or problems, please use the other bug report thread for it.

Server PHP Upgrade
Between December 14, 2020 through December 20, 2020, there will be a server upgrade to PHP 7.4 (from the clunky 5.x).
According to the compatibility checklist there should be no issues with this board so it should be seamless, but there's the chance of some instability or downtime. Just in case, I will be making DB backups before then in case something goes wrong.

Technically this subdomain is already set to running Ver. 7.4 so it should be seamless, but there is always the possibility of difficulties as this is the whole server making the migration (just shared hosting problems).

On the plus side, the upgrade may mean some performance improvements and some extra coding options to go with it. I'll see what can be done once it happens.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 10:42:38 AM by hecheff »